
Mascara is the one beauty product that we can't live without. It makes our eyes look bigger, brighter, and more awake. But it can also be a total pain to use.

If you've ever struggled to get your mascara on just right, or if it always seems to give you raccoon eyes, you need a few mascara hacks!

From how to avoid clumps to how to fix a smudged eyeliner, I've got you covered. So keep reading for 10 mascara hacks every woman needs to know!

12 Mascara Hacks Every Woman Needs to Know

We've all been there. You're rushing to get ready for work, or a night out, and you realize that your mascara is running low. Or worse - it's expired!

Instead of panicking, check out these ten mascara hacks that will help you get the most out of your makeup. From lengthening lashes to preventing clumps, these tips will have you looking fab in no time.

So gather up your old mascara tubes, and read on for some beauty wisdom.

How to avoid Mascara clumps

Mascara clumps can easily be avoided by following a few simple tips. First, be sure to remove all of the old mascara from your lashes before applying a new coat. Pumping the wand introduces air into the mascara, causing it to dry out and clump.

Instead, slowly rotate or swirl the wand before removing it from the container.

Another way to avoid clumps is to avoid applying too many coats of mascara at once. Allow the mascara on your lashes to dry properly before adding another coat. If the wand has too much mascara built up on it, clean your wand with a makeup wipe.

Finally, be sure to replace your mascara every 3-6 months. Over time, mascaras starts to dry out and become clumpy.

There is also a chance that through normal use bacteria and germs are introduced into the tube, which puts you at risk of getting eye infections.

If you do ever get an eye infection, it's best to get rid of the mascara and other eye makeup you have been using, and start fresh.

Don't pump the wand in and out of the mascara tube.

When you pump your mascara wand, you're pushing air into the tube, causing the formula to dry out faster.

And a dried-out formula means more clumps and flakes. forcing air into the tube can help any germs that latch onto the brush too multiply inside. 

You don’t want to cause any infections or reactions in the future, so let’s avoid that.

In addition, pumping the wand can also cause bacteria to build up on the applicator.

 You may be introducing harmful bacteria into your eyes with each pump of the wand, which could lead to eye irritation or other problems. It's just not worth it!

Lastly, when you pump the wand in and out of the tube, you're not getting an even amount of mascara on the applicator. This can lead to uneven coverage and clumps.

Twisting as you pull out the wand instead will give you an even layer of mascara without any unwanted clumps.

Always use a light hand when applying mascara to your lashes.

Mascara is one of the most popular beauty products on the market. It can be used to lengthen and volumize lashes, giving you a more dramatic look.

However, if it is not applied correctly, it can actually make your lashes look worse.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when applying mascara is using a heavy hand. This can cause the mascara to clump and flake off, which will make your lashes look messy.

A light hand is key when applying mascara - you only need to apply a thin layer in order to achieve the desired effect.

Another reason to use a light hand when applying mascara is because too much product can irritate your eyes.

If you are using an old or expired mascara, or if you are using a new type of mascara for the first time, it is important to test it out on your arm first to see if it causes any irritation.

Lastly, using a light hand when applying mascara will help minimize the chances of getting clumpy lashes. By applying a thin layer of mascara, you will avoid clumps and keep your lashes looking natural.

Don't add more than one coat of mascara at a time

There are a few reasons why you don't want to add more than one coat of mascara at a time.

The first reason is that adding more than one coat can make your lashes look clumpy and heavy.

The second reason is that if you add too much mascara, it can start to flake off and end up all over your face.

And the last reason is that if you add too many coats of mascara, it can make your lashes brittle and more likely to break.

So if you want your lashes to look their best, it's best to stick to just one coat of mascara at a time. Let the mascara dry before adding the next coat to your lashes.

Wipe off excess mascara on the rim of the tube before closing it.

Mascara is a breeding ground for bacteria, and if you don't clean your brush properly, that bacteria will be transferred back to the tube, where it will continue to grow. Not only is this bad for your eyes, but it can also cause the mascara to go bad more quickly.

Wiping off the excess mascara also helps keep the brush clean, which will make it last longer. If the bristles are coated in dried mascara, it will be more difficult for them to pick up new product, and they may become prematurely frayed.

Finally, wiping off the excess mascara prevents clumps from forming in the tube. When too much product builds up on the brush, it can harden and form clumps that are difficult to remove.

By wiping off the excess before closing the tube, you're ensuring that all of the product stays in its rightful place - on your lashes!

Wait for each coat of mascara to dry before applying another coat.

A lot of problems are caused by not allowing each coat of mascara to fully dry before applying the next coat. Keep these in mind if you are having problems creating that perfect lash look.

The first reason is that if you don't wait, the coats will mix and create clumps. This will make your lashes look messy and heavy.

The second reason is that if you apply too many coats of mascara at once, it can start to flake off and end up all over your face.

The third reason is that if you don't wait, the mascara can smudge and run, which will make your eyes look tired and aged.

All in all, it's best to be patient and to wait for each coat of mascara to dry before applying another one. This will help you achieve thicker, fuller lashes without any clumps or flaking.

How to lengthen your eyelashes with mascara.

When applying mascara to your eyelashes, there are a few things you can do to help them look longer.

First, use an eyelash curler to curl your lashes before you apply mascara. This will help them stay curled and look longer. Then, use a light coat of mascara, and be sure to apply it to the roots of your lashes as well as the tips.

You can also use a lengthening or volumizing mascara to create more of an effect.

Finally, be sure to let the mascara dry completely before you touch your eyes.

If you follow these tips, you'll have long and luscious eyelashes in no time!

How to get the most out of your mascara.

There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to getting the most out of your mascara.

First, be sure to twist the wand at the base as you pull it out of the tube. This will help distribute the mascara evenly and avoid clumps.

Second, don't pump the wand in and out of the tube. This will only add air to the product and make it go bad faster.

Third, use a gentle back and forth motion as you apply the mascara to your lashes. This will help them look fuller and thicker.

Before you apply your mascara, you will want to make sure that you have primed your lashes. Apply a coat of primer to your lashes and allow it to dry. This will help your mascara to go on smoothly and will help it to last longer.

Next, apply a coat of mascara to your lashes. Be sure to wiggle the brush back and forth as you apply the mascara. This will help the mascara to coat each lash evenly.

Finally, use a lash comb to comb through your lashes. This will help to separate them and will give them a more natural look.

How to make your eyes look bigger and brighter with mascara.

When applied correctly, mascara can make your eyes look bigger and brighter. Here are three tips for achieving the most flattering results:

1. Choose the right formula. There are many different types of mascara available, so find one that complements your eye color. If you have blue eyes, try a navy or black mascara; if you have green eyes, try a brown or green mascara.

2. Apply it in layers. Start by applying a light layer of mascara to the lashes at the base of your eyes. Then apply a second layer to the middle of your lashes, and a third layer to the tips. This will help give your lashes more volume and definition.

3. Use a curling wand. Before applying mascara, use a curling wand to curl your lashes. This will help them stay curled all day long.

What do to if your mascara runs.

Mascara can be a lifesaver for your eyes, but it’s also easy to make a mess. If your mascara starts to run, there are a few things you can do to stop it and keep your makeup looking good.

If your mascara is running down your face, try using a tissue or cotton ball to blot it. This will help soak up the excess mascara and stop it from dripping down your skin. One option is to use a q-tip or a cotton ball to dab at the mascara and try to remove as much of it as possible.

You can also try using a eyelash curler to curl your lashes and help hold the mascara in place.

If your mascara starts to smudge, you can try using an eyeliner or eyeshadow to cover it up. You can also try applying more mascara over the top of the smudged area. Be sure to use a light hand when applying more mascara, or you could end up with clumpy lashes.

Another option is to use a waterproof mascara primer before applying your regular mascara. This will help to keep the mascara from running.

Finally, if all else fails, you can try using a makeup remover to take the mascara off completely.

How to remove stubborn mascara buildup.

Mascara is one of those products that can be a pain to remove. If not removed properly, it can cause build-up on the lashes and around the eyes. This can make your lashes look heavy and can cause irritation around the eyes.

Here are a few tips on how to remove stubborn mascara buildup:

1. Start by using a quality eye makeup remover. This will help to break down the mascara and loosen any build-up.

2. Gently massage the eye makeup remover into the lashes and surrounding area. Be sure to avoid getting any in your eyes.

3. Let the eye makeup remover sit on the lashes for a few minutes. This will help to loosen any built-up mascara.

4. Use a cotton swab or ball to wipe away the mascara. Start at the base of the lashes and work your way up. Be gentle so as not to irritate the eyes.

5. Repeat as needed until all of the mascara is removed.

By following these tips, you can remove stubborn mascara buildup quickly and easily.

How to apply mascara like a pro.

Mascara is one of the most popular cosmetics on the market. It is used to enhance the appearance of eyelashes, making them look thicker and longer.

Applying mascara correctly can make a big difference in your overall look. Here are some tips on how to apply mascara like a pro:

1. Always start by curling your lashes with an eyelash curler. This will help them look fuller and more voluminous.

2. Apply a coat of mascara to the top lashes, starting at the roots and wiggling the brush as you go. Be sure to coat all of the lashes, from the inner corner to the outer corner.

3. Apply a second coat of mascara, this time going in the opposite direction (from the outer corner to the inner corner). This will help prevent clumping.

4. Apply a third coat of mascara if needed. You can also apply it to your lower lashes, but be careful not to get it in your eyes.

5. Allow the mascara to dry completely before blinking or rubbing your eyes.

It's time be find that perfect mascara.

So there you have it! These are the steps to applying mascara like a pro. By following these tips, you’ll be able to achieve thicker, longer lashes that will make your eyes look brighter and more awake.

Give it a try and see for yourself how much of a difference proper application can make. And if you still need some help or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us. We’re always happy to chat about all things makeup!

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